History of CBC
February 1947, It was a clear crisp day, Gene Lasaters brought a guest and former pastor from Montana, the Rev. George Hires, Sr., to visit Frank Lehman and Edgar Hotchkiss’ homes. When George was told of the need for a minister to preach “The Word” in the Methow Valley, he said, “I can’t come but I have a son I’ll send.”
However, it took until the middle of September for that son, the Rev. Allen Hires, Jr. to be convinced that it was the Lord’s will he come here. When he arrived in the fall he stayed at the Lehman’s home in Twisp. Hazel Lehman had spearheaded much of the prayer for a minister.
During the next two weeks, Rev. Allen held services in the Lehman’s home and met with interested families the Millard’s, Watkins’, and Hotchkiss’. In November, Rev. Allen’s wife Freeda, and children, George, Judy, Greg, and Betty moved to the Methow Valley.
November 27, 1947, the first service was held in the old Legion Hall with 24 adults and 11 children present. There was sunshine and no snow for this Thanksgiving Day service and Rev. Allen preached on II Cor. 9:15. “Thanks be unto God for His Unspeakable Gift”.
November 25, 1948, the Calvary Independent Church led by Rev. Allen met in its own, unfinished building, now Lehman Hall. The building and the valley had been hit hard with flooding in the spring that year delaying construction. Later that winter, Brother Paul Wapato, an Indian evangelist, held special services and packed the house with 109 people wearing his Indian costume and telling the story of his life.
Spring of 1949, the Hap Schulz funeral was the first funeral held in the building.
In 1950-1951, Hegge Ivarson, an evangelist, held many fruitful services and it was about this time that a basement was dug and the building moved onto it.
In 1958, a difference in church polity arose and led to two congregations; Calvary Bible Church and First Baptist Church. The First Baptist Church was organized March 28, 1958, with 21 members. Meetings were held in homes until a building was acquired. Pastors who served were; Rev. Robert Baker, Rev. Vern Slater, Mike Totzauer, Gaylord Newby, Jim Pulver and William Bridge.
In 1962, Rev. Allen Hires resigned to begin Flying H. Ranch, a home for boys. In the fall the bell steeple was added
In 1963, Roy Millard spearheaded building an entryway and restrooms. Rev. Eugene Slater, Wesley Mansfield, and Rev. Robert Davis were pastors at the time.
In 1969, when Lanny Barringer came, the two churches were reunited into Calvary Baptist Church and joined the General Baptist Conference. (Columbia Baptist Conference) Lanny Barringer brought his wife, Alice, and children, Lynnette, Bernie, Dan, Sheri, Janelle, and Juanita.
The house to the west of the church and the horse pasture around it were purchased making room for future expansion and the playground. Later that year, “Operation Faith”, added a new 50’x20’ front to the building. This consisted of a pastor’s study, a foyer, men’s and women’s restrooms, and a nursery. This was designated to tie in with the long-range plans for a new basement and sanctuary.
The First Baptist building was sold and additional property adjacent to the Calvary property was purchased. This gave a parking lot and a residence which was enlarged for a parsonage. The old Calvary parsonage was used as a Sunday School annex and eventually sold to the Craigs many years later.
June 1973, Lanny Barringer accepted a call to pastor the First Baptist Church in Forest City, Iowa and moved there. In September, the church called Rev. Dale Akker who could not come until the following June, so Rev. Winston Sherwick served as interim pastor.
In 1973-1974, A building committee of Harrie Adams, Oyvind Gundersen, Carolyn Hotchkiss, Rod Peterson, Edna Schulz, Ethel Yockey, and Chairman, Dave Schulz was organized, plans were accepted and work began on the new sanctuary and basement. The groundbreaking was on April 14, 1974.
Because Twisp is situated in the Methow Valley in the foothills of the Cascades, one of the favorite winter sports is snowmobiling. It was on such a trip up Boulder Creek that fire-killed trees tall enough to provide 30’ long timbers were spotted by some of the church’s men. These timbers were needed to span the large room in the basement. They were not available east of the mountains and cost prohibited their being brought from the coast. Edgar Hotchkiss spearheaded checking these timbers and secured the permits. They were cut by a church crew. A logging crew and equipment of Lloyd Logging and Construction Company loaded and hauled the logs to the churchyard where they formed a huge pile after Crown Zelerback furnished the loader to unload and stack. The Second Mile Saw Mill Company set up their mill in the parking area and Rod Parker, with much prayer, did most of the sawing.
Larry Vlasuk of Vlasuk Construction Company was the primary contractor and used volunteer crews of church men. Estes and Yeaple furnished concrete. Methow Valley Lumber and Supply helped with equipment. The plumbing and wiring and installations of the heat pump for heating and air conditioning were done by Edgar Hotchkiss who also designed the light fixtures for the sanctuary. These fixtures were then made and installed by local men.
Oyvind Gundersend of Sears store installed the carpeting. Gary Turlock, a friend of Larry Surface, came from the coast and with the help of local volunteers finished the interior walls of both the basement and sanctuary.
One of the aims of the building committee was to keep costs to a minimum. The cost of getting new pews was at risk of breaking the budget. Then the Lord called Karlene (Hotchkiss) Eaton of Portland’s, attention to an ad in the Oregonian, she had grown up in Calvary Baptist Church and remained close to the work. She found pews for sale by a church that preferred they be used by another church, rather than broken down for the solid oak. The pews were purchased, moved to Twisp, sanded, and refinished.
March 27, 1977, It is impossible to say just how much labor and material was donated to updating the church by the many men and women who considered it a labor of love. Only the Lord knows and He will reward. “To God be the Glory” was the theme for the dedication.
Fall of 1977, Dale Akker left the church. Rev. Wesley Swedberg served as interim pastor.
Spring of 1978. The Barringer family returned and Lanny Barringer became lead pastor. Lanny was heavily involved in the Christian Academy over the next eleven years.
July 1989, Pastor Lanny Barringer retired.
October 1989, Rev. Bob Jones, arrived to serve as interim pastor.
May 1990, The church called Rev. John L. Smith as pastor and he began his ministry.
In 1995, a playground was added behind the church. The supplies and labor were furnished by Christian Academy parents.
In 1996, the bathrooms and the outer foyer were remodeled.
In 2005, the church office moved when the nursery was remodeled to become the office and the office was remodeled to become the nursery.
January 2009, because of the constant growth of youth in the church a youth pastor was needed. Matthew Smith was called to be the Youth Pastor.
June 2010, Rev. John L Smith retired and a search for a new pastor for Calvary Baptist Church was underway. CBC youth pastor Matthew Smith filled in as interim pastor.
May 2011, the church members passed a vote to change the church name to Cascade Bible Church.
March 2012, Pastor Harlan Humiston was called to serve as the Senior Pastor at Cascade Bible Church, bringing with him many years of pastoral experience and a specialty in marriage ministries. Lonnie Good become Worship team lead, Josh Thomson became the Youth Ministries Leader, and Holly Wilmot became the Director of Children's Ministries.
To be continued…
The church has continued to undergo remodeling projects and upgrades over the past couple of years. As more history is made, may God bless those who make up the body of believers at CBC.