Kid’s Ministry
10:30 - 11:30AM
Sunday Mornings

Ministry Statement
Raising up youth and investing in healthy families.
The goal of our kid’s Church program at Cascade Bible Church is to draw them into a deeper relationship with the Father by guiding them to a better understanding of Christ and to find themselves in the Word.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Our K.I.D.S mission:
K. Knowing God & His Word
I. Involved in Friendships & Fellowship
D. Developing Ministry Gifts
S. Serving in the Church & Community
What will kids be doing during service?
Besides bible lessons, games and music each sunday, children will have a variety of activities to engage in to keep them entertained and connecting in Christlike ways with their peers. Our kids will worship and honor God in everything they do by choosing between interactive play centers (play-doh, prayer wall, legos, journaling, coloring, and more).
I want to serve in Kid’s Ministry! What do I do?
We’d love to explore the best fit for you within CBCKids. To serve in CBCKids, contact Holly Wilmot.
My kids are different ages. Will you separate them?
One of the scariest steps to exploring a new environment is the idea that your child might not know anyone around them. We understand this concern and ensure that each new child receives specific attention to help them adjust, feel comfortable, and meet new friends. Our rooms are separated based on age or grade:
3-6 years of age: Meet in the lower level of Lehman Hall, located just down the hall past the restrooms.
7-12 years of age: Meet just above the younger group in Lehman Hall.
"More of you [Christ] and less of me." John 3:30
If you still have questions about CBCKids, please contact Holly Wilmot: